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Wednesday 19 January 2011

Question 2

Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

A source of ADVERTISTING a film is through the use of Posters and Review. The Posters have a clear industrial purpose of promoting the film or product to the target audience. Review to criticize the film. The review lets the audience know what points were good or bad in the film, and whether or not it is worth spending time or money to watch. Both posters and reviews work together as a package to engaging and trying to encourage the targeted audience to go and see the film so it sells. If the film is successful it brings the institution recognition.

Poster, Review and the Film are all very important for an institution and audience. The Film is the product that the institution is trying to sell to the target audience; who they want to enjoy the film so they would want to see other future film products that they may make. However it is important to the audience as they want to see something that they will find interesting and worth their money. The poster allows the institution to show off the film and connect with the audience. The audience get to see what the world of the film is about (genre) and it also appeals to the fan base of the genre; who may potentially go and watch the film if they like what they see. The review is essential to the institution as it tells them the good and bad aspect of their film and if the readers are loyal it benefits the magazine; the audience because they trust what the magazine say.

As part of our Ancillary tasks, we had to create a film poster and magazine review. The poster we created had to be similar to the genre of our film so we carried out research on other real media film poster in the comedy. Our main focus whilst researching was to look at the layout, compositions, font, colours etc. To see how it portrays the genre. In my research I found that the genre was represented through the actual image... e.g. their facial expression being silly so when coming to do my own I wanted to include this in my poster but however remembering that one of the themes is the east-end gangs; I decided to make some sort of seriousness. I had to create three different draft of my final poster; the images I decided to use are screen grab from my film as I wanted images used in my posters to have more relation and relevance to the film... this was the same for my film magazine review as well. All of them shared the same house-style along with the theme so it worked to together to send out the message to the audience of what the world of the film was about and also to create realism. The house-style posters was basically the same image screen grab from the film, same the sort of layout of the character with costume of a suit next to each with a silly serious facial expression represents the comedy and gangster elements; the consistent colour scheme (blue, black and white) and not too big bold font is representation of the double-act front to be something they’re not. The review I had to follow house-style of an existing film magazine which after research I choose to use Total film. Following the layout, language and style but also trying to keep it in relation to my film I used a screen grab of a scene in the film to help tell the story.

In conclusion to this I try to portray the world of the film and the character’s personality in the other film institution does to show off what the film is about, encouraging and appealing to my target audience/fan base of genre who may want to see the film. The poster got people asking questions whilst the review answering some of these questions and the film rounds up all the other questions, answering all the thing audiences are thinking.

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