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Tuesday 12 October 2010

Feedback (Heist)

Feedback after new story idea

Miss Nair explain how there was too many character and we would need to think about how long it would take to film all of them; as adding a lot of character in a short film could complicate things. It could be very difficult to try to organise all the characters.

The story needs to have a lot of thinking behind it… about the location and timing with the characters. The organisation has to be shown throughout the story – from the beginning till the end. The way the story is we have created too much on ourselves and needs to be simplified. However the idea of having short little things in the story is very interesting and works well.

Dressing characters up in different costumes will take up a lot of time which we don’t have… as we only have a day to complete the whole film; by thinking around the characters situation it will be more realistic and practical. If it is not simplified there will be a lot of problems in the future when coming to production of the film; the best thing to do is think and sort out everything in pre-production so it is well planned out.

Make sure things are tone down so it works with what we got as it is not a good idea to have long scenes… quick scenes work better. Thinking about what you can actually do and not what you want to do. Need to stand back and see the negative things for ourselves (meaning things that could be an issue) as 5mins is all we got for the film. Do and add more research on the topics we will be using in our film. BE CREATIVE AND QUESTION YOUR IDEAS!!

Overall the story was much better than the old one and has a lot of potential with good adventurous ideas.

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