Hello and Welcome!! To My, Esther Odinma's A2 Production... I hope you enjoy my Blog!!

Wednesday 13 October 2010

treatment (switch)


Tagline: How far will you go for a bit of cash?

Pitch: 20 year old Charlie and 26 year old Frank are desperate for cash after seeing a car they want for sale at a hefty £6000. Not bieng the brightest bulbs they take out quick money making schemes that fail; one after the other. Until they resort to 'The Switch'.

Treatment: The film opens on Day 3 of the SWITCH with the pair running for their lives down a corridor (angry looking gangsters in the background). Then flashing back to Day 1 we see their initial reason for their thirst for cash as the two see a car for sale that they really want. Needing to gather £6000 fast and dealing with unemployment and a lack of qualifications they soon realise they have a problem.

Standing there pondering their options, Charlie pulls out a half eaten cookie from his pocket and Frank is instantly hit by an ingenious idea. (lightbulb animation) Selling cookies!
Frank feels that selling cookies will earn them a lot of quick cash and so they go door to door attempting to sell them. However, door after door the customers are not interested and Charlie gets punched in the eye by the last potential customer! (montage of doors slamming, point of view shots from door)

Seeing Charlie clucth at his eye in pain, Frank is inspire to stage a fake charity (lightbulb animation) conning money out of people who think they are helping 'blind' Charlie. Frank grabs the attention of the only man walking down the street whilst Charlie shakes his money pot at him. However, the man is not the slightest bit interested and flashes a dirty look whilst putting his hood up. Charlie, forgetting momentarily that he is blind, shakes his fist at the passer by and Frank hits him to encourage him to stay in role. As they watch the man walk away they hear a screeching sound of a car apporaching and see it pull up next to the man they encountered. They see what SEEMS to be an inappropriate drug deal and this is where Frank is hit by his best idea yet - The Switch. Frank is convinced that if they cut a slice of a drug deal they will have more than enough money to buy the car. So they go home and gather together a bundle of drugs. Flour and sugar. Believing that this is a sure in way to make some cash, they fix themselves up to look the part (switching costumes) and go to meet 'Big Pete' the hardest gangster on the estate.

The meeting place and time is sorted and the two find themselves in a hotel room across the table from Big Pete who is willing to give them the money they need in exchange for the 'drugs'. The deal goes well, until Big Pete does a taste test and finds that the drugs taste a little sweeter than they should and their cover is blown. Frank literally blows the 'drug' in Big Pete's face and the two make a run for it. Running for their lives they get free and the film ends with both Frank and Charlie high fiving each other with the breifcase full of money in sight.

Credits roll with numerous pictures of the double act in their new car.

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