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Monday 13 September 2010

Interesting info

Pangea Day

Pangea Day was an international multimedia event conducted on May 10th. Cairo, Kigali, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai and Rio de Janeiro were linked to produce a 4-hour program of films, music and speakers. The program was broadcast live across the globe from 1800 to 2200 UTC, culminating in a global drum circle, symbolizing the common heartbeat of the world. According to the festival organizers, "Pangea Day plans to use the power of film to bring the world a little closer together."

Pangea Day originated in 2006 when documentary filmmaker Jehane Noujaim won the TED Prize. Jehane wished to use film to bring the world together.

Pangea refers to the supercontinent from which all current continents eventually separated. It serves as a reminder of the "connectedness" or unitary nature of all people on Planet Earth.

The goals of this event is:

* Bring together millions of people from all over the world in a unique shared experience.
* Use the power of film to create a better understanding of one another.
* Form a global community striving for a better future.

I thought this was interewsting iunformation because it is information I found in my research about a day that storytellers for all over the world come together and show their ideas/stories.

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